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08 07,2023
Development of Induction Heat Treatment Technology for Typical Parts

Induction heat treatment of crankshaftCrankshaft heat treatment strengthening technology has changed from nitriding to induction quenching; The surface quenching inductor has changed from the split ty...

06 07,2023
Four Effects of Induction Hardening

The surface effect of induction hardeningThe surface effect, also known as the skin effect, occurs when alternating current passes through a conductor. The current density at different points of the c...

01 07,2023
High-frequency Induction Heating Machine Environmental Protection Equipment: the Industry Supported by the State

What is high frequency induction heating machine?High frequency heating machine has the full name of "high frequency induction heating machine", also known as high frequency induction heatin...

22 06,2023
Application of Induction Heating Equipment in the Current Stage

Application of induction heating equipmentInduction heating equipment is mainly used for overall heat transfer of rough parts at the current stage. Currently, it is applied to induction heating for au...

15 06,2023
Technological Development of Induction Heat Treatment

With the development of new knowledge and equipment, it has become possible to expand the scope of induction heating applications and apply them to areas such as in-furnace carburizing and other chemi...

08 03,2023
What Is Induction Hardening and What Are Its Benefits?

What is induction hardening?Induction hardening is a method of rapidly and selectively hardening the surface of metal components. A copper coil carrying a large amount of AC current is placed near (bu...

01 03,2023
A Proposal for Substitution of Induction Hardening for Carburizing

Induction hardening was first applied to improve the surface hardness of parts to meet the requirement of wear resistance. After decades of development, induction hardening has become the most widely ...

20 12,2022
The Superiority of Induction Heat Treatment in Terms of Energy Saving

In the 1950s, induction heat treatment began to be used in China, when the process was called "high frequency quenching". This new heat treatment process uses a coil of electromagnetic induc...